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CAB Crickets Returns!

Another amazing story teller audition was held last night in Baraboo. CAB Crickets Coordinator Rhonda Siebecker heard stories of bravery, tolerance and joy for the second CAB Crickets storytelling evening Thursday, February 27, at 7 p.m. at Con Amici Craft Bar, Baraboo.

MaCABre 12

MaCABre 12

MaCABre 12, “One Hell of a Haunting” lived up to its name! The annual CAB Theatre Halloween tribute featured dancing zombies, a frustrated ax murderer, a scarecrow yearning for a hug, and so much more! With the digital stylings of Jessa J, bringing the backgrounds to life and a cast of a dozen ghouls and …

Cab Crickets

Cab Crickets

Cab Crickets took place on a livelyWednesday night at Con Amici Wine Bar. Live story telling. Hear amazing stories, enjoy special guests from CAB’s ImprovLabs team.