CABs Improv Lab continues the tradition of creating captivating scenes using only the imaginations and skill of the players involved. Founded by CAB’S Scott Rawson and continued by Jessa J and Brian Domenget, Improv Lab is actively seeking new members to join our troupe!
Free Improv Jams open to 18+ persons! Learn some basics and play some games!
You can catch live improv shows at area restaurants and bars, the library and even at the park!
Get details at:

Improv at the Ringling House bed and Breakfast!
Saturday March 15th, 2025 at 7:30 PM
Tickets: $10
Watch as the troupe, guided by your suggestions, create scenes and games to make you laugh and cry but mostly laugh! Taking place in the historic Ringling House bed and Breakfast at 201 8th Street, Baraboo WI.
Keep track of this event and others by watching our socials!